How Sustainable is Reading?
Have you ever wondered how sustainable your reading habits are and what’s the most environmentally friendly way to handle your book obsession? Find out more in my new blog post on Intersections Lit Mag.
Internalised Ableism and Language
In this blog post for Interscetions Lit Magazine I talk about disability and the experience of internalised ableism and which role language plays in all of it.
“You don’t look disabled”, “Oh, so it’s not a real disability”, or euphemisms for disability like special needs, handicapped, or differently abled all question disability and its seriousness…”
Life Without Insulin
A hundred years ago, the research that led to the discovery of insulin began. Without the discovery of insulin, people with diabetes would still die of diabetic ketoacidosis. Read the whole story of the discovery and why people still die from lack of insulin today in my new blog post over on Intersections Lit Magazine.
Purposefully Lost in Translation
“As a poet writing in a language which is not my mother tongue, I do of course struggle sometimes. I don’t know every single fancy word of the English language, and I still make mistakes, but I think this is what makes me pay attention; it’s the advantage of carefully crafting sentences and lines in a language that is not your own. A lot of my writing happens as I discover and dissect new words – reading helps a lot with that– and when I experiment with their meaning, rearrange, play with various interpretations. It is a different realm of creativity, the awkward, beautiful, enlightening one between intention and cultures….”
Fury: A Writing Fuel
This new blog post in Intersections Lit Magazine deals with fury and anger as a writing fuel and explains how to channel these emotions to motivate your writing.
conversations with my bookshelf
Life in lockdown has altered my relationship with my bookshelf. Can you relate?
Read my new blog post in Intersections Lit Magazine.
Waiting for the Encore of Live Music
A blog article over on Intersections Lit Magazine about the absence of live music and concerts.